What is Target?
Target is a Chlorine Dioxide concentrate solution with active ingredients from TwinOxide® International BV company of The Netherlands. It is an environment friendly, safe and effective sanitizing solution for the Home, Industry and commerce.

How is TwinOxide® different from bleach?
It is non-corrosive and does not damage color of materials at application strength. It does not form carcinogenic substance such as TTHM & HAA. It leaves no residue and is safe to humans and animals at recommended dilution rates.


What is the kill time of TwinOxide®?
Twin Oxide rapidly kills pathogens within minutes. There is no known organism that is resistant to it.

Is Chlorine Dioxide widely used?
Throughout the world, Chlorine Dioxide chemistry is used in hospitals, sanitation, food production, fruit and vegetable processes and municipal water facilities to disinfect drinking water. TwinOxide® destroys microbes at a concentration level far below what is considered to be detrimental to human health.

What is the difference between Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine
(Hypochlorites)? (View)
The difference is in the chemistry. Chlorine Dioxide has 2.6x more oxidative power than chlorine because Chlorine Dioxide has capacity to absorb five electrons while hypochlorites can only take in 2. Hypochlorites react with amines and form carcinogenic substances like chloramines, THM and HAA.  Hypochlorites act through substitution with hydrogen element in pathogens. This confuses organisms that cause it to die (longer process).  Whereas, Chlorine Dioxide is a selecive oxidizer that does not react with amines. It directly attacks cell walls of pathogens, instantly killing it (one step process).

Is Chlorine Dioxide a better disinfectant than bleach or Chlorine for multi-resistant microbes?
Yes (Click here)


Is there a significant chemical difference between TwinOxide® and chlorine-type disinfectants?
Although chlorine can be found in the name of chlorine dioxide, the product is not a chlorine-type disinfectant. When the TwinOxide® solution is applied, the chlorine dioxide molecule kills the full spectrum of bacteria, algae, fungi, spores, protozoa, yeast, methanogens, viruses, mould and biofilm by its great oxidising capacity.


What is the difference between TwinOxide® and Benzalkonium chloride disinfectants?
Target’s active ingredient is only chlorine dioxide compound from TwinOxide® while most products containing Benzalkonium chloride has multiple other compounds that comes with it.


Is Target Disinfectant flammable?
It is not flammable. It does not contain petroleum accelerants or high alcohol content that will cause flammability.


What devices can Target Disinfectant be used?
It works well with hand sprayers, misting/fogging machines, humidity or electrostatic sprayers.


Is it corrosive to metal like other disinfectants?

No, it is non-corrosive at recommended dilution rates.


Does it give off strong odor?
It does not emit strong odor at recommended dilution rates.


What is the Storage instruction?
Target Disinfectant should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Hand sprayers or other devices must be made of opaque plastic material and also kept away from direct sunlight to avoid evaporation.


What is the exposure limit when misting or fogging?
Chlorine Dioxide limit is 0.1ppm in the air for 8 hours of continuous exposure, or 3ppm in the air for a small enclosed room.


Will the exposure limit be reached using target disinfectant?
No, because it can only be reached at 12x the concentration of Target disinfectant in a very small enclosed room. This is not available in the market.


What is the area coverage of a 4-Li Target Disinfectant?
Using a backpack sprayer, normal pace of walking and spraying, the average coverage area is up to 3,000 sqm.


Where is Target Disinfectant used?
It can be used in offices, factories, hotels, restaurants, vehicles, churches, school, parks and other places frequented by people.


Is it safe to disinfect fruits and vegetables?
Yes, at recommended dilution rate of 1:50, spray or soak for 1 min then rinse well with water.


Is 1:50 dilution still effective for personnel misting?
Yes, Target Disinfectant still works at this low concentration. When sprayed on hands, one will feel hands drying just like when using alcohol. This means oxidation disinfection is working.


Can Target Disinfectant be used to eliminate odours?
Odours are caused by bacteria emitting foul smell. Target disinfectant works by oxidation, not by masking of odours. It kills microbes by chemically altering certain amino acids that contain sulfur. The amino acids are important building blocks in the proteins that help to form cell walls. When these proteins are destroyed, the cell wall ruptures and the organism dies. Disinfecting with Target will destroy odor causing bacteria and help freshen fabrics, carpets, pet surroundings.


How do I disinfect Car / PUV?
Pathogens from infected drivers or passengers that remain in vehicle cabins can be disinfected with Target at a dilution rate of 1:5. Disinfection can be through hand spray on surfaces or best misted/fogged for 15 minutes while aircon is turned on, windows/doors closed. After disinfection, open doors for 5 minutes prior to reentry. This practice sanitizes and deodorizes aircon filters, air ducts, carpets and car seats.


How does one sanitise Centralised HVAC in buildings?
HVAC in malls or buildings are breeding grounds of pathogens like Legionella bacteria that cause pneumonia due to mix of moisture and dirt in the ventilation and cooling tower system. Misting or fogging with Target disinfectant at dilution rate of 1:5 will freshen the air by killing airborne and adhered pathogens


Why do i need to disinfect areas prone to molds ?

Molds are fungi that grow in warm, moist and dark environments. When molds dry, the spores flake away and become airborne. These are carried in the air though ducting / ventilation. Toddlers are vulnerable because their lungs are under-developed and in some cases, these spores become the underlying cause of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Periodic misting with Target Disinfectant eliminates mold and freshens indoor air.